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Park in the Fall

Partnering with Academia to Implement Novel Statistical Methodology For Actionable Data-Driven Insight


What can we offer you?

Academic Collaboration & Analysis

We offer an annual subscription model for academic collaboration. It's simple - subscribe and get connected with a personal statistician that will conduct the statistical analysis for up to five papers a year.  Individuals may sign up on their own or through department sponsorship. One attractive feature of this model is that researchers may more easily build in the consulting when writing grant proposals.    

Industry Collaboration

Patient Risk Modeling

One primary area of research for our team is survival analysis: "what is the probability that someone dies of Prostate Cancer within 5 years of diagnosis?"  Our peer-reviewed methodology has been shown to outperform any competing approaches in the current literature. By properly predicting the risk of individuals getting certain diseases, we can allow providers the tools to more effectively triage their patients.

For industry collaborations, please fill out a Contact form below.

Industry Collaboration

ROI Metrics

The other main area of expertise of our research group is psychometrics. This is the quantification of psychological properties: "how financially insecure does an individual feel about budgeting?"  By creating a metric, we can quantify the impact of sociodemographic factors on that metric. We can also use these metrics to measure the effect of corporate initiatives on a targeted issue, allowing for a direct assessment of ROI. Why measure employee happiness through retention, when you can directly measure employee happiness before they decide to leave?

For industry collaborations, please fill out a Contact form below.

On-Demand Statistics Consultation

We also offer subscriptions for statistical consultation. Sign up for one month, and receive up to four 15-minute support sessions. This is intended to help students (medical students, dental students, nursing students, etc), trainees (residents, fellows, etc.), and professionals with any statistical concepts or modeling advice they need.  


For Further Inquiries:

 Austin Menger

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